Hello, Fedi Bravo

Hello, Fedi Bravo

Hello, Fedi Bravo

Download Fedi Bravo & explore

Download Fedi Bravo & explore

Explore Fedi Bravo

We are thrilled to announce that Fedi Bravo is now available to explore. This is not just an update; it’s a peek into the innovations we’re releasing in the near future.

Join a community

Source: Awesome Fedimint

FREE Madeira

The Madeira Island Bitcoin Initiative


Fedi Testnet

This is a signet Federation where all the bitcoin hold no monetary value



Use real money (but carefully!) We encourage you to tread carefully as you explore the new features.

Explore Fedi Bravo

We are thrilled to announce that Fedi Bravo is now available to explore. This is not just an update; it’s a peek into the innovations we’re releasing in the near future.

Join a community

Source: Awesome Fedimint

FREE Madeira

The Madeira Island Bitcoin Initiative


Fedi Testnet

This is a signet Federation where all the bitcoin hold no monetary value



Use real money (but carefully!) We encourage you to tread carefully as you explore the new features.

Explore Fedi Bravo

We are thrilled to announce that Fedi Bravo is now available to explore. This is not just an update; it’s a peek into the innovations we’re releasing in the near future.

Join a community

Source: Awesome Fedimint

FREE Madeira

The Madeira Island Bitcoin Initiative


Fedi Testnet

This is a signet Federation where all the bitcoin hold no monetary value



Use real money (but carefully!) We encourage you to tread carefully as you explore the new features.

Let’s build together

Let’s build together

Build Fedi Mods

Easily develop apps that solve real problems and deploy them online or in Federations

NEW Fedimint Docs

Everything you need to know about launching and running your own Federation

NEW Fedimint Docs

Everything you need to know about launching and running your own Federation

NEW Fedimint Docs

Everything you need to know about launching and running your own Federation

Join the conversation

Send us your insights, questions, and feedback in our Fedi Telegram group

“Fedimint is more than just a federated e-cash system. It’s a recipe for building all manner of federated applications from a few key cryptographic ingredients. It’s a protocol for remaking any centralised app into a decentralised version that’s also private, resilient, and scalable. It will enable people to connect, collaborate, and drive change on a global scale.”

“Fedimint is more than just a federated e-cash system. It’s a recipe for building all manner of federated applications from a few key cryptographic ingredients. It’s a protocol for remaking any centralised app into a decentralised version that’s also private, resilient, and scalable. It will enable people to connect, collaborate, and drive change on a global scale.”

“Fedimint is more than just a federated e-cash system. It’s a recipe for building all manner of federated applications from a few key cryptographic ingredients. It’s a protocol for remaking any centralised app into a decentralised version that’s also private, resilient, and scalable. It will enable people to connect, collaborate, and drive change on a global scale.”

Eric Sirion

Inventor of Fedimint